Imaging Services

Imaging Services


Photographs are a form of art that is used to portray a product or a person in a good light and utilized as catalyst.  Our team of professionals   with their broad expertise   goes above & beyond to make client’s  brand products distinctive  among masses and creates a prepossession of their brand  in the minds of viewers.

Image Editing


  • Image retouching is done to enhance the product to appear irresistible and create a enduring impression on the minds of buyers.

Create shadow or reflection

  • To give the product a premium and realistic appeal, our specialist work on adding shadows or reflections as per the lighting requirement

Color correction and re-coloring

  • Our team of wizard fixes any issues on the photos (color correction) by adjusting brightness, contrast, sharpness, saturation, tone, white balancing, etc. to bring out the realistic features.
  • They also change colors (re-coloring) or Optimize color(s) to give a refreshing look of the product/background.
  • This is mainly done for Jewelry products to make them look natural and appealing. We have experts in doing photo re-coloring and optimize colors (Color Correction) of the product

Offer 360 degree view of the product

  • Product kept on turntable and shot continuously while rotating the tabletop to create an animated image showing all angles of the product.
  • It’s then, retouched by our skillful artists who align the image in proper angle, make necessary color corrections and  add appropriate background for the product to give a striking experience to the customers.

Image compositing

  • Our proficient resources use various image compositing techniques, combine two or more images to create one stunning story board for ecommerce products.

Product Shaping

  • Product reshaping  is done to give a surrealistic finish by,
    • Removing unwanted background in the product image
    • Hollowman retouching, Skin detail enhancements, Eye bag and Wrinkle Removal

Masking Service

GNM’s Imaging virtuoso provide tailor made masking services for their clientele, whereby the entire or specific area of background, of a product or model can be modified as per intended mission using below techniques

  • Layer Masking
  • Clipping Masking